
Primary Sources

File 55,775-593, Subject and Policy Files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and  Naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

1930 U.S. Census, El Centro California, Noor Din, digital image, Accessed November 20, 2019,

File 54988/36, Subject and Policy Files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and Naturalization  Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

File 53246/4,  Subject and Policy Files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and Naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

Margaret, INS commissioner, Camden, New Jersey, May 23, 1939, File 55986-264, INS approval letter, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, (National Archives, Washington D.C.)

J.L., INS District Director, Washington D.C., March 31, 1939, File 55986-264, INS approval letter, records of Immigration and Naturalization Service, (National Archives, Washington D.C.)

File  54,734, Subject and Policy Files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and Naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

File  55,182-86, Subject and Policy Files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and Naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

Jones, Immigrant Inspector, Ellis Island, N.Y., August 26, 1924, File 55404/397; Court Transcript, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, (National Archives, Washington, DC).

Year: 1919; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: T715, 1897-1957; Microfilm Roll: Roll 2620; Line: 23; Page Number: 155

Secondary Sources

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