Archives Post 2-Cassie Haynes

On this trip most of the files that I went through a case file that had men with the last name Singh. Most of these men were deported based on their entry to the Unites States. The largest file was 53246/4 dealt with Teja Singh who entered the country multiple times illegally. Singh was able to enter the country through Mexico to be an agricultural laborer. The case file spanned from 1922 to 1934 during this time he applied for citizenship. He reapplied one final time and was denied readmission to the United States because of the Barred Zone Act in 1938. He was also denied because he did not have favorable action. Teja first entered the country in 1922 through Mexico and was sent for deportation in 1924 due to the Barred Zone Act but wasn’t deported until 1925. There were some letters that were written by those who knew who he was to show his good character. Clearly these letters do nothing for him since he was deported. There was a statement that talks about his deportation via a ship to Hong Kong then India. He was also held in San Francisco and by the paperwork it seems he was held at Angel Island. Another file 53246/5 and 6 look at the two other men who were with Teja and deported. They also entered the United States through Mexico during the time of the ban. These men were sent to India via Hong Kong as well and it cost the government about $75 to do so. Most deportation was based on who was coming into the country and how they were getting into the country. Going through Mexico was the fastest way for people to be denied entry because at the time they were more worried about the Chinese crossing the border then those of Asian descent. However, when INS found out about them entering the country it was an illegal entry. This relates to the class due to the Immigration Act of 1917 or as it is better known the Barred Zone Act. A literacy test and ban on Asian immigrants came from it. The act led to a ban that went on for well over thirty years.  

File 53246/4 , Subject and Policy files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

File 53246/5, Subject and Policy files, 1893-1957, Records of Immigration and naturalization Services, RG 85 (National Archives, Washington, DC).

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